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15Best New Web Development eBooks To Read In 2022

Ebook List:

. DevNodejs.pdf
. HTML _amp_ CSS- The Complete Reference, 5th Edition.pdf
. HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps.pdf
. HTML5 Architecture.pdf
. jQuery 2.0 Development Cookbook.pdf
. jQuery Mobile . Essentials, 2nd Edition.pdf
. NodejsDesignPatterns.pdf
. NodejsPracticeManning.pdf
. PHPCookBook.pdf
. PHPOracleWeb.pdf

created:Date 2022-01-15

Remember pre-Panda and pre-Penguin hype about building websites where you only promote one product? I sure do! SEO was easy back then and these small affiliate sites were everywhere.

Well, the strategy still works today. I found it useful for creating side income. If you are just starting with SEO, then this must be a good route to take because these websites are relatively easy to build and to rank (given you have chosen your keywords right).

created:Date 2021-09-06

a pretty good SEO guide from a blog, what I did was take snippets from that guide and create a little to-do text file that I shall use soon on some low SEO competition keywords. One of my friends has used this and it works REALLY well. I have also included some further information inside the guide that my friend told me (SEO expert). It's a bit messy so feel free to organize it a bit, it's all there though and the method works very well.

created:Date 2021-08-20
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The Official Joomla! Book is the authoritative, and comprehensive Joomla! reference for every administrator, developer, designer, and content manager. Distilling the unsurpassed experience of two long-time Joomla! contributors, it teaches exactly what you need to know, through practical example sites and crystal-clear explanations.

Developer: amazon
created:Date 2021-02-10
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